3 Reasons why sleep is an important part of our self-care

Sleep an Essential Immune Booster and Vital for Self care…

With everything that has been going on, watching the news, stress, and isolation, I believe that self-care is more important now than ever. Sleep is a major component of self-care and so many people tell me that they have issues with getting a good night’s sleep. Whether it’s not being able to fall asleep, stay asleep, feel rested or generally not having the energy to face the day, there are so many who are sleep challenged.

I have always been a light sleeper and needed tools to help me get a good night’s sleep. For the past three years, I have been working on my luxury sleep pillowcases and sleep accessories to help myself and others. These sleep aids have made a huge difference for me and I am hearing the same from my customers. Families need their sleep, think about these sleep aids as a gift for someone you love.

Here are 3 reasons why improved sleep will make a difference in your life:

  1. Increased Productivity – Did you know that sleep deprivation costs U.S. companies over $60 billion per year in lost productivity? Read more here. Facing the day, especially lately, with working from home, being home with kids and spouses, has been challenging for many. Not getting the right sleep only adds to this.
  2. Immunity Booster – Getting the proper amount of sleep helps with boosting immunity. Deep sleep is key for boosting our immunity and right now it’s more important than ever. During sleep your body releases proteins called cytokines that assist with immune support. Read more here from the Mayo Clinic.
  3. Anti-Aging – Americans spend almost $200 billion per year on anti-aging products. Sleep is essential for rejuvenation and renewal. It is when your body’s internal and epidermal recovery takes place. Read more here.

I have two issued patents and two patents pending for my luxury sleep pillowcases and sleep aids. They make a great gift for someone. Buy one for them and one for you. (wink) I am always happy to answer any questions and love receiving feedback on my products. It is so important that we take time for self-care and that we reach out to someone else who may be challenged with all that is going on.

A green background with an image of a bow.
A man and baby sleeping in bed with blankets.
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LUX Pillows Plus

LUX Pillows Plus LLC Founded in Las Vegas, NV November 2017 by designer Selena Porter, inspired by a lifelong love and passion for both interior design and wellness. This love is poured into each multi-functional, self-care product. Our home is so connected to wellness when we fill it with the little things that gives us joy. Luxury is a bubble bath a cup of tea a Sleep&ABow® Made in Las Vegas, NV USA.

